The person was about to die, all his body organs failed, then a miracle happened and his life was saved, know how?

The person was about to die, all his body organs failed, then a miracle happened and his life was saved, know how?

Most people experience some pain and itching around the bite site, but some may have a severe and life-threatening reaction, called anaphylaxis. Neither of these situations existed in the case of the Somalian man. In fact, after a few days of being badly stung by a bee, many of its organs had stopped functioning. But his health improved rapidly and within a week he was released from the hospital.

This 60-year-old man was stung several times, but he started having serious reactions just two days after the horrific incident. “Despite being stung multiple times and receiving a substantial amount of venom, the patient did not have an immediate anaphylactic reaction,” the team at the Mogadishu Somali Turkish Training and Research Hospital wrote in a case report published to Dove Press. This was the first recorded case of multiple organ failure from a giant bee sting in Somalia.

Experts say that reactions to bee stings should not be taken lightly. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Due to limited health facilities, this person did not go to the hospital until a week after the incident. On reaching the hospital, he said he was suffering from shortness of breath and inability to urinate properly for six days, called oliguria. Doctors found that there were many red marks on his body, swelling, swollen eyes and difficulty in breathing. Tests revealed that the patient had acute liver and kidney injury.

Doctors started the patient on a “comprehensive” regimen of steroids, antihistamines and intravenous fluids for hydration. The patient responded positively to the treatment and showed significant improvement and was discharged after seven days. Even later he seemed to be getting better.

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According to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the U.K. alone. Two to nine deaths are recorded every year in the United States due to anaphylaxis from bee or wasp stings. Doctors say that bee stings cannot be taken lightly. According to Allergy UK, reactions can occur within minutes, with the most severe life-threatening reactions occurring within 30 minutes.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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